AirCheck✓ Kits™ and Restocks

Whether you’re looking to purchase a new AirCheck Kit compressed air testing kit, restock your sampling media & other consumables, or need to replace damaged or missing parts, we want the process to be as quick and easy as possible.

AirCheck Kits™ and Samplers

AirCheck Kits for compressed air testing are scientifically designed yet simple to use. Collection is easy with our step-by-step manuals and instructional videos.

The one-time purchase of the kit (sampling hardware) eliminates the need to ship the hardware back to the laboratory each time you take an air sample. This allows you to simply return the lightweight compressed air sample via the shipping method of your choice. No bulky, pressurized cylinders to send in — shipping and traveling with the kit and supplies is trouble-free.

Breathing Air Testing AirCheck Kits

AirCheck Kit K902 for Compressed Breathing Air Testing

K902 | Breathing Air with Water

The AirCheck Kit K902 is designed for use with breathing air specifications requiring a dry dew point

K201 AirCheck Kit for Compressed Breathing Air Testing

K201 | Breathing Air

The AirCheck Kit K201 is designed for use with routine breathing air specifications which do not have a limit for dew point

K6042 AirCheck Kit for MedGas Testing

K6042 | Breathing Air Gases + NOx/SO2

The AirCheck Kit K6042 is designed for testing for routine gases, oil aerosol, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Nitric Oxide for medical breathing air.

AirCheck Kit K6099 MedGas Testing

K6099 | Medical Gases

The AirCheck Kit K6099 is designed for testing for to NFPA 99, USP, CGA, and OSHA. Test for purity, concentration, piping particulate, and more.

Manufacturing Air Testing AirCheck Kits

K810 Compressed Air Kit for ISO 8573 Testing

K810 | P:W:O

AirCheck Kit Model K810 is Trace’s solution to affordable testing per ISO 8573-1:2010, Food Grade Air, Critical Process Air, or your custom specifications. This kit allows for sampling of particles, water, and total oil for any critical air use.

AirCheck Kit K811 for Compressed Air and Gas Testing

K811 | Gases with P:W:O

AirCheck Kit Model K811 is Trace’s solution to affordable testing per ISO 8573-1:2010, Food Grade Air, Critical Process Air, or your custom specifications. In addition to sampling for particles, water, and total oil; this kit can also be used to sample for other gases.

K802 Pure Gas Testing AirCheck Kit from Trace Analytics

K802 | Pure Gases

The AirCheck Kit K802 is designed for use in pure gas testing in manufacturing industries and some medical gas specifications.

AirCheck Kit K404 for Pure Gas Testing

K404 | Pure Gases with Water

The AirCheck Kit K404 is designed for use testing compressed pure gases that need water results.Test according to medical, MIL, and more standards.

Microbial Testing AirCheck Kits

Pinocchio Super I Funnel Only Kit for Microbial Testing

Pinocchio Super I Microbial Sampler

The Pinocchio Super I is available for daily rental. It connects to the compressed air/gas outlet (60 psi or less) with sterile tubing to collect microbial samples in compressed air.

AirCheck Kit Microbial Testing Compressed Air testing

Pinocchio Super II Microbial Sampler

The microbial impaction sampler is available for daily rental to collect microbial samples in compressed air. It connects to your compressed air/gas outlet with sterile tubing.

Aircheck Kit Triobas Ambient Air testing

Trio.bas Ambient Air Sampler

Test ambient air in a controlled or cleanroom environment with active sampling using the Trio.bas air sampler. Designed to test for microorganisms in high-risk areas.

Laser Particle Counters

Aerotrack LPC for compressed air testing

Aerotrak LPC

The Aerotrak Laser Particle Counter is ideal for customers meeting strict limits and purity classes by testing compressed air for particles down to 0.100 microns. When sampling with the AeroTrak, users will take consecutive samples until the results are fairly consistent.

Setra LPC for compressed air testing

Setra LPC

The Setra 8000 Laser Particle Counter is a handheld particle counter that provides particle sizing from 0.3-25 microns. Offering immediate feedback, the Setra is excellent for facilities performing testing or troubleshooting at various locations.

Need testing? Contact our team of experts at Trace Analytics.

Reorders & Restocks

Restock your AirCheck Kit™ using this form. We have listed our most common restock requests below. If you need to request additional parts, please use the comments field at the bottom of this page. You can find all part numbers in your AirCheck Kit™ instructions.

Please email pdf to if applicable

If you need to add Microbial Testing or Additional Gases, please contact our Service Team at 800-247-1024, ext. 3

Why Choose Trace Analytics?


Our A2LA accredited laboratory is an unbiased third-party laboratory with no financial interest in other compressed air products. The extensive quality control procedures at Trace’s lab ensures that you will receive quality data. Trace is an A2LA accredited laboratory complying with ISO 17025, certificate #0322-01.

Easy to Use Kits

The AirCheck✓ Kit™ is designed for use with compressed breathing air specifications requiring a dry dew point, such as ISO 8573, NFPA 1989, CGA, ISPE, and more. Other specifications are available. These kits are typically used by food, packaging, medical device, pharmaceutical, nuclear, scuba divers, fire departments and industrial breathing air facilities to test compressed air to meet their requirements.

Watch our online sampling video for Compressed Air Testing.


Compressed air has been our specialty since 1989 — our AirCheck✓™ Team of Experts has decades of experience in the specific field of compressed air and environmental analyses, testing, and troubleshooting. Excellent customer service, and the desire to provide a more efficient and accurate testing experience, have been the backbone of our company since 1989 — and still hold true today. We pride ourselves on the level of customer service we provide — it is the core of our relationship with all of our customers.






7:30am – 5:00pm