Compressed Air Testing | Trace Analytics2024-05-24T06:53:23-06:00




Need testing? Contact our team of experts at Trace Analytics.

About Trace Analytics, LLC

We can accommodate testing specifications like ISO 8573, ISO 14698, NFPA 1989, NFPA 99, OSHA, CGA, CSA, ISPE, USP and many more. Contact us to discuss your compressed air testing and environmental monitoring needs.






7:30am – 5:00pm

30 Years Experience

Trace Analytics’ laboratory is accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation. We use state-of-the-art lab equipment that allows us to analyze hundreds of compressed air samples daily with very little human intervention.

Compressed air testing has been our specialty since 1989 — our AirCheck✓™ Team of Experts has decades of experience in the field of compressed air and environmental analysis, testing, monitoring, and troubleshooting. You will receive superior customer service in a prompt and friendly manner.

Breathing Air Testing

Trace Analytics, LLC has served compressed breathing air customers with an affordable and accurate way to test compressed air since 1989.


Breathing Air Testing

NFPA 1989

Test compressed air to the NFPA 1989 Standard with an easy-to-use air testing kit and professional and accredited laboratory.


Breathing Air Testing

Sport & Commercial

Since 1995, Trace Analytics, LLC has offered the AirCheck™ Kit and laboratory services to all PADI members.


Breathing Air Testing


Meet OSHA requirements for compressed air used in welding, sandblasting, spray painting, chemical spill cleaning, and more.


Breathing Air Testing

Medical Air & Gas

Trace provides medical air and gas analyses in support of NFPA 99 guidelines, directly to health care facilities.

Manufacturing & ISO 8573 Testing

Food & Beverage

Test compressed air for use in manufacturing to ISO 8573. Meet certification requirements like SQF, BRC, Primus and more. Test for particles, water, total oil, and microorganisms.

Pharma & Med Device

Process air and gas testing available to meet ISPE requirements. ISO 8573, 14644, and custom specs are available for testing particles, water, total oil and microorganisms.


Test instrument air to ANSI/ISA S7.0.01-1996. Clean, dry air for pneumatic instruments addresses dewpoint, particle size, lubricant, and contaminants.

More than 70% of production facilities use compressed air in the manufacturing process. Proper assessment of the compressed air system, and regular testing can prevent serious contamination and promote the overall health of the system. Test your compressed air to ISO 8573 requirements with Trace Analytics

Don’t See Your Industry?


Environmental Testing

mold contamination compressed air testing

Contact Plates

Sample for microbes like bacteria, yeast, and mold, on flat surfaces by pressing agar plates onto your critical surfaces.

Ambient Air

Test the air in your facility for microbes to ensure the sterility of your cleanroom or controlled environment.

Surface Swabs

Swab hard to reach areas and uneven surfaces for dangerous microorganisms and contamination. Simply swab and return to Trace Analytics for analysis.


When you partner with Trace Analytics, LLC by becoming an AirCheck™ Distributor, we’ll provide you with the training and tools you’ll need to perform and sell compressed air testing. Our compact AirCheck™ Kit is lightweight and holds multiple sampling containers to test your customers’ compressors. We’ll also provide you with ample supplies so that you can stay on schedule and save on shipping costs.


I also would like to take this time to thank each and every one at Trace (even the Green Bay Packer Fan in shipping) for being such great business partners. Your customer service is beyond excellent. Each and every time I have made contact with you, no matter who I get to talk to, I am always taken care of with a level of individual customer service that is beyond expectations. You Guys Rock! Keep up the good work. Thank you again.
Patrick J Lejman, Air One Equipment, Inc.
Thanks. I believe that your company makes it very simple to take the sample and send it in. Even a redneck can do it following your instructions. I did have Doug Hall from Wayest Safety do training on pulling the samples the first time. He highly recommended you and that was good enough for me. Your company proved itself very quickly to me with your quick turnaround. Ms. Lindsey with your company was a big help to me.
Dusty Pruitt, CHMM, Atlas Pipeline
Yes, we’ve already received our Report–thank you. This is the second time that we have worked with your company… and we’ve been very happy with the quality of your customer service on both occasions. We had no problem using the AirCheck Kit and we received the results in a very timely fashion. I would recommend your company to anyone who asks. Thank you again for all your help and I look forward to working with you in the future.
Audrey Schlaff, Dive Little Corn






7:30am – 5:00pm

Trace Analytics Blog

Meet OSHA Respiratory Protection Standards with Compressed Air Testing

Respiratory Protection has consistently been in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) annual top 10 most cited violations for at least the past decade. These violations could translate to adverse health effects, costly penalties, and time-consuming delays on day [...]

Verifying Compressed Air and Gas Safety in Medical Applications

Original article featured on Compressed Air Best Practices. Health care facilities utilize compressed air and gases in a variety of procedures for their patients. Regularly used in breathing, sedation, and medical devices, it is essential that compressed air is void of contaminants s [...]

Preventing Carbon Dioxide Toxicity in Diving

Exposure to different levels of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) can affect the human body in a variety of ways. It’s important to have an understanding of the impact these levels can have and to properly test your compressed air system. Regular testing can help prevent carbon dioxide toxicity an [...]

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