Las tablas a continuación muestran las especificaciones de aire comprimido descritas por BCAS e ISO 8573: 2010. Muchos fabricantes que establecen procedimientos operativos estándar para el aire comprimido utilizado en el proceso de fabricación se refieren a estas especificaciones para ayudar a establecer sus propias pautas.

ISO 8573-1:2010 Compressed Air Contaminants and Purity Classes
By Particle Size
(maximum number of particles per m3) See Note 2
By MassVapor Pressure DewpointLiquidLiquid, Aerosol, & Vapor
See Note 1
0.1 µm 5
No purity classes are identifiedNo purity classes are identified
Gases mentioned are: CO, CO2, SO2, NOX, Hydrocarbons in the range of C1 to C5
Note 1: ISO 8573 Oil includes aerosol, vapor in the range of C6+, and liquid oil. Liquid oil is typically sampled when wall flow is present, contamination is suspected, or results are greater than 5 mg/m3. Trace can provide a separate kit for liquid oil testing.
Note 2: For Particle Class 0, 1, & 2 (0.1 - 0.5 µ range only), a laser particle counter with a high-pressure diffuser is required. Rental of this equipment is available on a reservation basis. Contact us for details. To qualify for Particle Classes 0 through 5, there can be no particles greater than 5µ present.
In some cases, Trace uses alternative sampling techniques or analytical methods to those specified in ISO 8573, for details see Smith White Paper, 2012.
Air & Gas Specifications referenced above may be viewed and/or purchased from: ANSI - American National Standards Institute